Export Options
Add these at the end of your command to specify how your file is exported.
[CSV] | Dumps the command you're using in CSV format. |
[JSON] | Dumps the command you're using in JSON format. |
[CSV] | Dumps the command you're using in CSV format. |
[JSON] | Dumps the command you're using in JSON format. |
slot_label | Body |
slot_plural_label | Bodies |
slot_description | Completely change your vehicle's style with a new body! |
slot_online_label | Body |
slot_index | 0 |
slot_bool_replicated | true |
slot_bool_always_cooked | false |
slot_bool_server_relevant | true |
slot_bool_always_loaded | true |
slot_bool_default_always_loaded | false |
slot_bool_allow_license_equip | true |
slot_drop_weight | 30.000000 |
slot_default_product_id | 23 |
product_id | 1300 |
product_unlock_method_id | 1 |
product_unlock_method_label | Online |
product_quality_id | 8 |
product_quality_label | Limited |
product_attribute_names | ProductAttribute_SpecialEditionLabel_TA, ProductAttribute_PaintSettingsUpload_TA |
product_bool_whitelist_all | false |
product_bool_localized | false |
product_bool_auto_generated_dlc | false |
product_bool_licensed | false |
product_bool_can_be_archived | false |
product_bool_paintable | false |
product_bool_currency | false |
product_bool_blueprint | false |
product_bool_schematic | false |
product_bool_decryptor | false |
product_bool_platform_exclusive | true |
product_bool_include_se | false |
product_bool_replaced | false |
product_bool_pack | false |
product_base_xe_status | Pending |
product_xe_label_key | GenericXELabel |
product_platform_exclusives | PS4 |
product_trade_restrictions | None, P2P, TradeIn |
product_asset_package | skin_octane_esports |
product_asset_path | skin_octane_esports.skin_octane_esports |
product_label | RLCS |
product_ascii_label | Octane: RLCS |
product_long_label | Octane: RLCS |
product_short_ascii_label | RLCS |
product_short_sort_label | RLCS |
product_sort_label | Octane: RLCS |
product_thumbnail_path | Skin_Octane_Esports_T.Skin_Octane_Esports_T |
product_thumbnail_package | Skin_Octane_Esports_T |
product_thumbnail_asset | Skin_Octane_Esports_T |
product_trademark_label | RLCS |
product_sort_priority | 0 |
online_instance_id | 2039203868 |
online_instance_id_128 | 8683029302, 2039203868 |
online_series_id | 20 |
online_bool_tradable | false |
online_trade_hold | None, All, P2P |
online_added_timestamp | 1509241699 |
online_cached_sort_label | Vampire Bat CertifiedTurtle0102039203868 |
online_cached_short_sort_label | None |
online_cached_hash_id | 60729611 |
online_attribute_names | Blueprint, BlueprintCost, Painted |
online_blueprint_series_id | 48 |
online_blueprint_series_label | Revival |
online_blueprint_type_id | 1 |
online_blueprint_type_label | Revealed |
attribute_painted_id | 12 |
attribute_painted_name | White_00 |
attribute_painted_label | Titanium White |
attribute_certified_id | 14 |
attribute_certified_name | TurtleGoals |
attribute_certified_label | Turtle |
attribute_certified_value | 1 |
attribute_certified_description | When equipped in an online match, this item keeps track of how many upside down goals you score. |
attribute_title_id | S15_SuperSonic_Legend |
attribute_title_category | SZN_1_White |
attribute_title_text | S1 Supersonic Legend |
attribute_title_color | #E8E8E8 |
attribute_title_glowcolor | #E8E8E8 |
attribute_special_id | 2 |
attribute_special_name | Edition_Infinite |
attribute_special_label | Infinite |
attribute_team_id | 26 |
attribute_team_name | NRG_Season8 |
attribute_team_label | NRG Esports |
attribute_blueprint_cost | 2000 |
attribute_blueprint_id | 5584 |
attribute_animated_skin_label | Animated Decal |
attribute_compatible_products | 403, 4770 |
attribute_container_bool_unlocked | false |
attribute_container_bool_skip_roulette | false |
attribute_container_bool_gift_box | false |
attribute_key_bool_magic | false |
attribute_currency_id | 13 |
attribute_license_group_id | 0 |
attribute_license_group_label | Default |
attribute_license_bool_body | false |
attribute_platform_exclusive_consoles | PC, PS4, Dingo |
attribute_platform_exclusive_replacement | 63 |
attribute_quality_id | 0 |
attribute_quality_label | Common |
attribute_reactive_label | PostMatchReactiveLabel |
attribute_reactive_bool_has_preview | true |
attribute_requires_product_id | 2269 |
attribute_custom_edition_label | Scorched |
attribute_team_override_id | 0 |
attribute_team_override_label | Blue |
attribute_team_override_asset | None |
attribute_team_parameter_override_id | 0 |
attribute_team_parameter_override_label | Blue |
attribute_trademark_glyph_id | 1 |
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attribute_tiered_index | 3 |
attribute_unlock_method_id | 0 |
attribute_unlock_method_label | Default |
attribute_product_link_id | 0 |
attribute_level_value | 0 |
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attribute_product_slot_label | Boost |
attribute_expiration_time | 1735788526 |
attribute_rental_length | 0 |
attribute_indestructible_bool | false |
attribute_colorable_default_color | #0000EB |
database_paint_id | 1 |
database_paint_name | Red_00 |
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database_paint_colors | #990000, #FF0B0B, #720000, #FF0000 |
database_paint_finish_id | 0 |
database_paint_finish_label | Standard |
database_certified_id | 1 |
database_certified_name | AerialGoals |
database_certified_label | Aviator |
database_certified_description | When equipped in an online match, this item keeps track of how many aerial goals you score. |
database_title_id | S15_SuperSonic_Legend |
database_title_category | SZN_1_White |
database_title_text | S1 Supersonic Legend |
database_title_color | #E8E8E8 |
database_title_glowcolor | #E8E8E8 |
database_special_id | 1 |
database_special_name | Edition_Holographic |
database_special_label | Holographic |
database_team_id | 26 |
database_team_name | NRG_Season8 |
database_team_label | NRG Esports |
playlist_id | 3 |
playlist_name | UGCTrainingEditor |
playlist_title | Standard |
playlist_description | Ranked play with a team |
playlist_badge_title | None |
playlist_player_count | 6 |
playlist_bool_standard | true |
playlist_bool_ranked | false |
playlist_bool_solo | false |
playlist_bool_extramode | false |
playlist_bool_private | false |
playlist_bool_tournament | false |
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playlist_bool_disablereconnect | false |
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playlist_bool_checkreservation | false |
playlist_bool_ismicroevent | false |
playlist_bool_hasvariableplayercount | false |
playlist_bool_new | false |
playlist_bool_allowclubs | true |
playlist_bool_allowstayasparty | true |
playlist_bool_nobackfill | true |
playlist_bool_nosavereplays | false |
playlist_image_url | https://rl-cdn.psyonix.com/Playlists/Images/rl_event_mode_bg_heatseeker.jpg |
playlist_image_texture | None |
playlist_icon_active_url | https://rl-cdn.psyonix.com/Playlists/Images/rl_mode_heatseeker_1.png |
playlist_icon_inactive_url | https://rl-cdn.psyonix.com/Playlists/Images/rl_mode_heatseeker_2.png |
playlist_node_thumbnail_url | https://rl-cdn.psyonix.com/Playlists/Images/Finals/playlist_ltm_hauntedheatseeker_asdfjkh.png |
playlist_node_thumbnail_package | UI_PlayMenuV4_LTM.playlist_ltm_hauntedheatseeker |
playlist_map_name | throwbackhockey_p |
playlist_server_command | Game=TAGame.GameInfo_GodBall_TA?playtest?listen?Public?GameTags=BotsNone |
playlist_mapset_name | SoccarStandard |
playlist_population_buckets | 1, 15000, 35000 |
map_weather_variant_id | 2 |
map_weather_variant_name | Day |
map_random_weight | 1.300000 |
map_variant_name | Day |
map_base_name | DFH Stadium |
map_file_name | stadium_day_p |
esports_image | https://rl-cdn.psyonix.com/EsportsIcons/EsportsButtonIcon_FT1.png |
esports_title | FT |
esports_description | FT Show |
esports_url | https://www.twitch.tv/rocketleague |
esports_utc_start_time | 2021-10-12 18:50:00 |
esports_utc_end_time | 2021-10-12 20:30:00 |
esports_epoch_start_time | 1634064600 |
esports_epoch_end_time | 1634070600 |
population_total_players | 309815 |
population_playlist_id | 1 |
population_playlist_players | 4702 |
tournament_id | 24610827 |
tournament_schedule_id | 11361 |
tournament_title | 2v2 Hoops |
tournament_creator_name | Psyonix |
tournament_creator_id | Unknown|0|0 |
tournament_epoch_start_time | 1660248000 |
tournament_epoch_bracket_time | 0 |
tournament_max_bracket_size | 32 |
tournament_teams_registered | 0 |
tournament_rank_minimum | 0 |
tournament_rank_maximum | 22 |
tournament_region_label | USE |
tournament_region_name | None |
tournament_game_tags | None |
tournament_game_mode | 1 |
tournament_tie_breaker_id | 0 |
tournament_tie_breaker_label | FirstScore |
tournament_seeding_type_id | 2 |
tournament_seeding_type_label | None |
tournament_team_size | 2 |
tournament_disabled_maps | None |
tournament_series_round_lengths | 0 |
tournament_series_length | 1 |
tournament_bool_public | false |
tournament_minumum_players | 0 |
tournament_epoch_expire_time | 0 |
tournament_platforms | None |
gamemode_index | 1 |
gamemode_map_set | Exhibition |
gamemode_freeplay_mapset | RumbleFreeplay |
gamemode_standard_mapset | Standard |
gamemode_disallowed_mutators | BallType, BallMaxSpeed, Items |
gamemode_bool_enabled | true |
gamemode_bool_private_match_only | false |
gamemode_gameinfo_class | GameInfo_GodBall_TA |
gamemode_gameinfo_path | GameInfo_GodBall.GameInfo.GameInfo_GodBall |
gamemode_name | Heatseeker |